What is Dry January and What do I Drink?

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The new year is quickly upon us and with the new year comes the list of resolutions that
we strive to achieve to better ourselves. Usually on that list is going to the gym every week or
eating healthier food but for some, there is dry January.

Dry January is when you abstain from drinking alcohol the whole month of January as detox and recalibration of your body. The main focus points of January are to have no hangovers, save money on alcohol for 31 days, and to lose
weight in the process. So if all of those things sound good to you let’s get into some common
questions asked about dry January.

Who Runs Dry January?

Dry January started in 2013 with 4,000 people. It is run by Alcohol Change UK a leading UK alcohol charity.

How Popular Is Dry January?

Dry January is observed primarily by people in the United Kingdom and the United
States. In years past it began as a way to help with sobriety more than anything but has become
increasingly more popular for its health benefits. 2021 more than any other year is speculated to
have the most people participating (130,000) in dry January.

So What Do I Drink for Dry January?

Dry January doesn’t have to be something that you dread. This doesn’t mean you’re not
able to go out for drinks with your coworkers after work or just have to drink water. There are
actually plenty of options for your dry January. If you are at home and are craving that alcoholic
taste then there are plenty of options for non-alcoholic wine and beers that still have the same
taste level as the ones with alcohol.

If you are out with friends and everyone is drinking cocktails and you don’t want to just
be sipping your water, trained bartenders have plenty of non-alcoholic options they can make.
There are plenty of “mocktails” to choose from including Bloody Mary, Gimlet, Mojito,
Margarita, Mules, and of course the classics Shirley Temple. Just be kind to your bartenders in
the process.

Other than virgin cocktails, January may be your month to drink more water than you
normally would. Brew that cup of tea and enjoy the slow evenings, buy some cranberry juice, or
grab a second cup of coffee; the options are endless.

What Are The Benefits Of Dry January?

There are quite a few benefits of dry January most of them are in regards to health.

Allowing your body a break from alcohol gives your body the ability to release toxins that your
body may be holding onto from alcohol. There is also a high chance that you may lose a couple
of pounds during the month as well, (which who wouldn’t like that perk!). Wine, beer, and liquor
all have a pretty high-calorie count, whether we realize it or not. And let’s be honest, it’s very rare
to stop at only one drink, so all of those calories add up over time. Taking that month off from
alcohol will definitely help you lose that stubborn weight you may have been wanting gone.

Aside from how you feel physically, dry January can help your wallet as much. If you are
still going out and getting mocktails then you may not be saving too much. But by not going out
as much you’re saving more money than you realize!

What Happens To Your Body In Dry January?

If you drink a lot in the week normally then having a sober month might be a little more
difficult than realized, but your body is always capable of more than you think. Your
determination will say everything! Your headspace will be clearer, your weight will shift, and the
way your body processes food will also change with your metabolism acting faster without
alcohol. Overall, there aren’t any real downsides.

Tips for Dry January

  1. Find a buddy!! It isn’t easy to do something on your own so finding someone to partner
    with you in this journey is one of the most important keys to success! Accountability is a
    necessity for dry January, so find a partner that is sure to reinforce your decisions and help you
    continue to take action. Make sure that it is something that has the same resolution as you do to
    finish strong otherwise neither of you may make it.
  2. As much as you need a good accountability partner you also need to know your “why”. Figure out the reasons as to why you are choosing to have a sober month. Write it down on your mirror or a sticky note in your car as a reminder. Use this as motivation and a reminder that you have the resolve to finish out the month strong. Having your own sense of self and what your personal reasons are for having a dry January will be the drive that gets you through!

Dry January is something that everyone should do at least once. The health reasons are beneficial
enough to start your new year out right and to honour your body. Your wallet and bank account
will definitely thank you after the end of January. Your body will be able to relax more as your
stress levels go down. Finally, you will be able to say that you did it and to know that you were
able to have the resolve and self-control to finish. So what are you waiting for? January is right
around the corner waiting for you and you can sign up to DryJanuary from Alcohol Change here sign up here

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