ARTISTIC THREE DIMENSIONAL ENGRAVINGS. THESE FLUTE WILL LOOK ExACTLY THEY DO in THE PICTURE. All my designs are Unique & Artistic. I meticulously handcraft & deeply engrave the design in the glass, this gives an amazing three dimensional image, not only can you see the depth, but you can feel the design by touching. The difference in my engraving Is a deep permanent hand engraved image on the glass, this is not painted, not made by laser & it is not a decal. This is art work I do is in the glass. THE ENGRAVING The design on these flute will look exactly like they do in the picture. The name under the title & the date under the design. For the text PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT YOU CHECK ALL SPELLINGS & DATES FOR ACCURACY. Notes: 1. The text size will be adjusted to fit in the space available. FOR LARGE OR CUSTOM ORDERS, PLEASE CONTACT ME FOR A QUOTE & ADJUSTMENT OF THE SHIPPING COST. Tuxedo Chambelan Flute Glasses Champagne Flutes For
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