A five-year-old bouquet created from several young blends. The pale-red rim around the glass is the only visible sign of maturity. The initially opaque core develops into a translucent dark red and finishes with an intense red at the bottom of the glass. Its aromatic characteristics are similar to that of the vintage due to the potency of its dominant and dense fruit, revealing incredibly ripe aromas of dried plum, fig, blackberry, raspberry and cherry. The attack is smooth and a full, balanced sensation of sweetness can be noted on the palate. Its ripe fruit is deliciously revealed to us, enhan cing the most volatile and developed retro nasal aromas. Its persistence is noteworthy. The must is fermented through maceration and automatic pumping over so that a better extraction is achieved. After four or five days, the fermentation is interrupted with the addition of 20% spirit. Lastly, the wine is racked. It does not undergo any hot or cold treatment or filtration.
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