A gin completely different from any other gin on the market, with intense notes of juniper and an incredible, highly spiced, aromatic profile with notes of cardamom, lavender, chamomile and orange. There is a lovely natural sweetness present from the infusion of sweet spices like cinnamon and vanilla which give the gin a delicious softness and round mouthfeel. Main botanicals: Juniper, lavender, orange, angelica, zedoria, rose, Chamomile, cinnamon and vanilla. The Gin Monsieur uses a distillate of wild juniper which is then mixed with a cold infusion of other herbs and spices, citrus peel and a secret ingredient. After the infusion, the gin is filtered extremely delicately in order not to lose any of the intense aromas gained from a natural infusion. **Awards:** Silver – The Spirits Business – Contemporary Category
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