It was from Egypt, where it was already cultivated five centuries BC, that the melon set off for a long journey through Asia, via Persia and India. The Cantaloup melon, cultivated by Roman monks, was introduced into France, in c.1495, by an expedition of Charles VIII on returning from the Wars of Italy. What a good idea! To begin with the melon was acclimated in the Comtat Venaissin and brought renown to the city of Cavaillon where Briottet’s melons are produced. They are macerated to obtain a pleasant sweet, fruity and typical liqueur. It can be served as an aperitif or with desserts, alone or accompanied by champagne or white wine. Served chilled, it is excellent with sorbets, soups or fruit salads. You can also serve it in this cocktail: 3 cl liqueur de melons -1.5 cl vodka – 1.5 cl curacao triple sec – Fizzy water. To be drunk iced.
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